Monday, January 27, 2020
Modeling CALL programs in EFL Flipped Classrooms
Modeling CALL programs in EFL Flipped Classrooms Modeling CALL programs in EFL Flipped Classroomsà to Enhance Achievement and Language Learning Attitude Abstract Computer software has been widely used for teaching English language in flipped classrooms. The present study supplied a practical example of integrating Computer-Assisted language Learning (CALL) programs in English courses to flip the teaching process. The kind of CALL integration addressed in this study has allowed much more flexibility in delivering instruction to diverse groups of English learners or at best, to implement individualized instruction. Examples of modeling CALL programs in teaching listening, pronunciation, reading, writing, and vocabulary were implemented in this study. Sixty students (30 control group and 30 experimental group) studying at King Marriott Higher Institute for computer participated in this study. The control group studied through the regular non-flipped classroom while the experimental group studied through implementing CALL programs to flip the classroom. Following the Quasi experimental pre-post design the study was conducted during the first seme ster of the academic year 2016-2017. The results of the study showed that CALL programs in flipped classrooms have improved the students language learning attitude and averaged examination scores to a statistically significant extent. Key words: CALL, flipped classroom, attitude, individualized instruction 1. Background Introduction to CALL What is CALL? The acronym CALL represents a term that stands for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. It refers to manipulating computers in language teaching and learning. Traditionally, it is used as a means of teaching and assessing particular language items. Following the traditional CALL process, the learners are first introduced a rule and different examples, then, they practice varied exercises to test their knowledge of the rule and finally, the computer gives appropriate feedback and awards marks in records to be later checked by the teacher. Levy and Hubbard (2005) define CALL as the field that is concerned with how the computer mediates between the language learner and language learning objectives (figure 1). Figure 1. Levy and Hubbards 2005 conceptualization of CALL Levy (1997, p. 1) defines Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) as the search for and the study of computer applications in language teaching and learning. Beatty (2003, p. 7) gives a broad definition of what may go on in computer-assisted language learning (CALL), Beatty gives a definition of CALL that accommodates its changing nature that is any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a result, improves his or her language. Furthermore, CALL includes issues of material, design, technologies, pedagogical theories and of instruction modes. CALL materials include those which are mainly made for language learning and those which adapt the existing computer-based materials, e.g. video and other materials (Beatty, 2003, pp. 7-8). The History of CALL For more than three decades, computers have been used in language teaching. Three main stages represent the history of CALL: Behaviouristic CALL, Communicative CALL and Integrative CALL (Warschauer Healey, 1998). Each stage corresponds to a certain pedagogical approach. Behaviouristic CALL Influenced by audio-lingual teaching method, Behaviouristic CALL was emerged in the late 1960s and used widely in the 1970s. This stage was characterized by using repetitive language drills, known as drill-and practice. The computer represented a mechanical tutor that never allowed students to work individually, which in turn inhibited motivation. It also implied using extensive drills, grammatical explanations and translation (Warschauer Healey, 1998). Communicative CALL The Communicative CALL initiated in the 1980s after rejecting the behavioristic approach to language teaching theoretically and pedagogically. At this time, personal computers were paving the way for students to work individually at schools. Corresponded to cognitive theories, Communicative CALL considered learning as a process of discovery, expression and development. Advocates of Communicative CALL debated that computer based activities should focus more on using communication forms. Furthermore, software including simulations and text reconstruction program was widely used and developed in this period. Therefore, Communicative CALL focused on what the students did with each other while working at the computer rather than what they did with the computer. Interactive CALL Interactive CALL replaced communicative CALL which began to be criticized by the 1990s. Thus, teachers used more social and learner-centered methods in a response to new second language acquisition theories and socio-cognitive trends. Language learning in authentic social contexts was emphasized at this time. Content-based project-based and task-based approaches were applied to integrate learners in authentic environments, and to integrate and use various skills of language learning. In such integrative approaches, learners try to use a variety of technological tools and progress a continuing process of language learning instead visiting the computer lab once a week for conducting separated exercises. Types of CALL Programs Davies, Hewer, Rendall, and Walker, (2004) divide CALL programs into: Specific CALL software: They are specific language learning programs designed to develop, facilitate the language learning process, like language learning CDs, language learning websites and quizzes. Generic software: They are general computer software designed for general purposes, like word-processors, presentation software, and spreadsheet, that can be used in language learning. Web-based language programs: They are online language learning programs like concordancers, online dictionaries, online encyclopedias, news/magazine sites, etc. Computer-mediated communication (CMC): programs for online oral and written communication like email programs, online asynchronous and synchronous chat, discussion forum, etc. Warschauer (1996) divides CALL programs and applications into two main categories; computer as tutor programs and computer as tool programs. Computer as a tutor refers to CALL programs designed for teaching grammar, listening, pronunciation, reading, text reconstruction, vocabulary and writing. Computer as a tool refers to the most common use of a computer as a tool, and probably the usual use of computer programs for language learning, as word processing programs, grammar checkers, concordancers and collaborative writing. Advantages of computer in language teaching and learning Teaching and learning technologies become one of the most effective areas in the educational system, especially in language learning (Reinders and Thomas, 2012). Today the number of teachers and students using computers and the Internet to teach/learn a second language has increased due to the technology advances (Han, 2008). In order to analyze the advantage of using computer in language learning, Li-Yun Lu and Tang (1996) divide the advantages into three types: the inherent nature of the computer; The benefit of the teacher; the benefit of the learner. The inherent nature of the computer The computer can handle a much wider range of activities, and much more powerfully, than other technological aids. It offers a two-way learning session with the student. The computer can assess the students response. It can also display messages, take the student through subsequent attempts at a question, and even take the student to a different section of package, depending on the nature of the response. The benefit of the teacher The computer presents several aspects of particular promise. Prominent among these is its versatility in handling different kinds of material. For example, the simplest is the one-way presentation of information, in the form of text, graphics, audio and video. Also, the computer can handle question-and-answer routines, simulated dialogues, hypothesis testing, and many other types of exercises. The benefit of the learner The computer also offers many advantages for the learner. Access is one of the benefits. The computer offers the student the choice of when to study particular topics and how long to spend on them. The flexibility makes many educational courses accessible to students who would otherwise have no chance to take them. It is not a dream to make the distance teaching. Many computers can be linked by telephone on special landlines. Alternatively, teachers can send tapes or discs of their materials through the post. Whatever the factors of time and distance, the computer retains its potential for personalized instruction. There is no low attention period as the student waits for his or her turn to come round in class. On the contrary, each student has the computers full attention and can work at the speed best suited to the individual. Flipped Classrooms What is a flipped classroom? The flipped classroom is a recent model of pedagogy in which the regular lecture and assignment elements of a course are reversed. In other words, activities that have traditionally taken place inside the classroom now take place outside the classroom and vice versa. For instance, instead of having lectures during sessions at university, students gather the information largely outside of sessions, by reading, watching videos and listening to podcasts or other audio format (Centre for Academic Development and Quality, 2016). Tucker (2012) adds there is more than one model for flipping the classroom, the core idea is to flip the regular instructional approach: with the help of teacher-created videos and interactive lessons, instruction that used to take place in class is now accessed at home, in advance of class. The classroom becomes a place to deal with problems, advance concepts, and to engage in collaborative and active learning. In contrast to the lecture format, in flipped classrooms the role of the lecturer changes from being a presenter of content to a learning coach. Bergmann, Overmyer and Willie (2011) state that the lecturer is no longer the sage on the stage but the guide on the side. Students become active learners instead of relying on the lecturer as the disseminator of knowledge. Advantages of the flipped classrooms Flipped classrooms have may learning advantages related to sustainable learning, engagement and interaction. Bergmann, Overmeyer and Willie (2011) include several advantages for the Flipped classroom: 1- lifelong learning: learners depend on CALL programs to learn the content before coming to classrooms. Such method of acquiring knowledge, is a lifelong learning skill. 2- Material engagement: in classroom learners complete different active learning exercises that reflect the applications, implications and controversies associated with the material. This engagement highlights the importance of the material in the learners everyday lives and helps them relate to the topics. 3- interaction between learners and faculty: class periods are specified to interactions among the learners. This strategy shifts the focus of learners from the front of the classroom. The flipped classroom moves the faculty teacher from the stage to one-on-one interacting with the students. 2. Method 2.1. Participants and location The study was conducted at the King, Marriott Higher Institute for Computer Science, Alexandria, Egypt during the first semester of the academic year 2016-2017. 60 students (30 control group and 30 experimental group) participated in the study. 2.3. Treatment Two units from CommercialTechnical English Terminology Textbookà ¯Ã â⬠ºÃ ¯Ã¢â ¬Ã ªÃ ¯Ã à were used in this study (Unit 1: Introduction into Business English and Unit 2: Recruitment). The control group studied the two units through the regular non-flipped classroom. The experimental group studied the units through implementing CALL programs to flip the classroom. The researchers introduced the proposed CALL programs and how to use them during the introductory session. 2.4. Instruments 2.4.1. Achievement Test The researchers conducted an achievement test to assess the participants performance. The test is composed of three parts; the first evaluates communication skills, the second assesses vocabulary acquisition and the third is reading comprehension. (appendix I). 2.4.2. Attitude Survey To assess the participants attitudes toward the flipping classrooms in English language learning, the researchers conducted an attitude survey (appendix II). The researchers followed Lickerts 5 range scale in conducting the survey. 3. Results 3.1. Achievement Hypothesis One There is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group students and that of the control group in the post application the achievement test in favor of the experimental group students. To verify the validity of the previous hypothesis independent samples t-test was used. Table (1) shows the significance of difference between the mean scores of the control and the experimental group students in post-testing. Table 1 Significance of difference between the mean scores of the experimental and the control group students in post- testing Group Mean Std. Deviation Levenes Test df t Sig. Control 13.4 1.79 F Sig. 58 5.35 .001 Experimental 15.7 1.57 .31 .57 The data presented in table (1) reveals that Levenes Test F (Equality of Variances) equals 0.31 which is significant at 0.57, t value is (5.35) and significant at 0.001, and df equals 58 which means that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the control and experimental group in post-testing. 3.2. Attitudes Hypothesis two: Participants have positive attitudes toward flipped classrooms in English language learning. Results of attitude survey are presented in the following table. Table 2 Students attitudes toward flipping the classrooms in English language learning Statement Strongly agree Agree Indecisive Disagree Strongly disagree 1. The flipped strategy helped me to study individually according to my pace. No.12 (41.4%) No.13 (44.8%) No.3 (10.3%) No.1 (3.4%) No.0 (0%) 2. The flipped strategy attracted me to study more outside the classroom. No.11 (36.7%) No.14 (46.7%) No.3 (10%) No.2 (6.7%) No.0 (0%) 3. The flipped strategy helped me to get more knowledge and information. No.9 (30%) No.15 (50%) No.5 (16.7%) No.1 (3.3%) No.0 (0%) 4. In-class activities enhanced what I studied outside the classroom. No.9 (30%) No.16 (53.3%) No.5 (16.7%) No.0 (0%) No.0 (0%) 5. In-class activities make the teacher available to answer questions. No.18 (60%) No.11 (36.7%) No.0 (0%) No.1 (3.3%) No.0 (0%) 6.Working with colleagues collaboratively in class makes me more active. No.9 (30%) No.16 (53.3%) No.4 (13.3%) No.1 (3.3%) No.0 (0%) Close inspection of the data presented in the previous table reveals that the participants have positive attitudes toward flipping the classrooms in English language learning. 4. Discussion The researchers implemented different CALL programs in this study like Natural Reader, Corpus concordancing, online listening Lab and PowerPoint presentations. The selected training units were explained and presented through PowerPoint program and were given to the experimental group students to be studied outside the classroom. Also, the experimental group students were trained during the introductory session on a cocordancing program for enhancing vocabulary acquisition and the natural reader program for developing reading skills. Experimental group students were trained to study the proposed units outside the classroom and to practice different activities in the classroom to enhance what they have studied. On the other hand the control group students studied with the regular method, i.e. explanation in the classroom and activities outside the classroom. After finishing the treatment (2 units) both the experimental and the control group students sat for an achievement test and the experimental group students completed an attitude survey related to the flipped classrooms. The mean scores of the control and the experimental group were 13.4 and 15.7. The results of the achievement test highlights the effectiveness of flipping the classrooms. Furthermore, the results of the survey proved that experimental group students agreed upon flipping the classrooms. References Beatty, K. (2003). Teaching and researching computer-assisted language learning. New York: Longman. Bergmann, J., Overmyer, J., and Willie, B. (2011). The flipped class: What it is and What it is not. The Daily Riff. Retrieved from articles/the-flipped-class-conversation-689.php. Centre for Academic Development and Quality (2016). CADQ Guide: The flipped classroom. Nottingham Trent University. Retrieved from Davies, G., Hewer, S., Rendall, H., Walker, R. (2004). ICT4LT Module 1.4: Introduction to computer assisted language learning (CALL). http://www. Han, W. (2008). Benefits and barriers of computer assisted language learning and teaching. US-China Foreign Language, 6(9), 40-43. Levy, M. (1997) CALL: Context and conceptualization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Levy, M. and Hubbard, P. (2005). Why call CALL CALL? Computer Assisted Language Learning. Vol. 18, No. 3. Li-Yun Lu and Tang, F (1996). Computer-Assisted Language Learning. NYU School of Education Department of Teaching and Learning-Multilingual Multicultural Studies TESOL. Reinders, H., Thomas, M. (2012). Contemporary computer assisted language learning. Retrieved from Tucker, B. (2012). The Flipped Classroom. Education Next. Retrieved from www. Warschauer M. (1996) Computer Assisted Language Learning: an Introduction.In Fotos S. (ed.) Multimedia language teaching, Tokyo: Logos International: 3-20. Warschauer, M., Healey, D. 1998. Computers and language learning: an overview. Language teaching forum. 31, Pp.57-71. Appendices Appendix I Achievement Test I- Complete the following conversation. (7 pts) Operator: Hello, Frank and Brothers company, ? John: This is John Robert. Can I have extension 3421? Operator: Certainly, . . David: Jack Richardsons office, David speaking. John: John Robert calling, is. ? David: Imsorry hes out at the moment. Can ? John: Yes, Could you ask him to . at 9147 6320. Its urgent. David: Could you the number please? John: Yes, thats 9147 6320, and this is John Robert. David: Thank you Mr Robert, Ill make message. John: Thanks, bye. David: Good bye. II- Insert the following words in the gaps in the text below. (9 pts) Many People looking for work read the . advertised in newspapers by companies and. . To reply to an adevertisment it is to for a job. You fill the companys., and send it along with your CV and You often have to give the names of two.. . If your qualifications match the , you might be. , i.e. selected to attend an.. . III- Read the following extract, then answer the questions. (4 pts) Business is an organized approach to providing customers with different products and services they need. Also word business refers to an organization that provides these products and services. Businesses in general seek to make a profit i.e., they aim to achieve revenues that exceed the costs of operating the business. Prominent examples of for-profit businesses include Mitsubishi Group, General Motors Corporation, and Royal Dutch/Shell Group. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs. Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. Examples of nonprofit businesses include such organizations as social service agencies, foundations, advocacy groups, and many hospitals. Answer the following questions. 1- Define business and its main aim. 2- Show the difference between profit and nonprofit business. 3- Mention two examples of nonprofit organizations. 4- Propose a suitable title to the extract. Appendix II Attitude Survey Choose the response that best reflects your attitude 1. The flipped strategy helped me to study individually according to my pace. Strongly agree Agree Indecisive Disagree Strongly disagree 2. The flipped strategy attracted me to study more outside the classroom. Strongly agree Agree Indecisive Disagree Strongly disagree 3. The flipped strategy helped me to get more knowledge and information. Strongly agree Agree Indecisive Disagree Strongly disagree 4. In-class activities enhanced what I studied outside the classroom. Strongly agree Agree Indecisive Disagree Strongly disagree 5. In-class activities make the teacher available to answer questions. Strongly agree Agree Indecisive Disagree Strongly disagree 6. Working with colleagues collaboratively in class makes me more active. Strongly agree Agree Indecisive Disagree Strongly disagree à ¯Ã â⬠ºÃ ¯Ã¢â ¬Ã ªÃ ¯Ã à This book is compiled and supplemented by one of the researchers (Dr. ayman Elesery).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Essay on Symbolism, Imagery and Diction in Homerââ¬â¢s Odyssey
Symbolism, Imagery and Diction in Homerââ¬â¢s Odyssey During the course of history, the world has seen many fine works of literature like Homerââ¬â¢s epic, Odyssey. This book is a standard against which to compare all literary novels. The symbolism permeates the pages drawing the reader into the intriguing plot that includes twists within the central theme. Also, the author intelligently uses imagery and diction painting dramatic images in the reader's mind - building upon major the themes. The book contains a captivating use of symbolism making the story more interesting and understandable. This magnetizes the reader into the book. "At the first show of dawn, great Alcinous left his couch, as did that ravager of cities, Odysseus, kinsman of Zeus." (Homer, 79) In this quote, Odysseus is referred to as the kinsman of Zeus who is the supreme god. Here, the word kinsman is used as a symbol to portray Odysseus's strength and bravery. He is so brawny that he has the honour of being called the kinsman of Zeus. Apart from Zeus, there are many other gods mentioned in the book. One can associate each god with some or the other symbol. Zeus announces, "It is Poseidon the world-girdler who is so headily bitter against him..."(6). This quote shows that Poseidon, the god of the sea and earthquakes, is referred to as the world-girdler, which literally means world shaker. Poseidon is given other aliases including earth-shaker, which suit him not only because of his position, but also because of his nature, which is very hot-tempered. The riveting plot includes deception and unexpected twists within the central theme thus adding interest. After the Trojan War, the veterans returned home to their own land to a hero's ... ...rils. (214) As seen by this quote, the words Homer uses, such as spurted, create vividly graphic images in the mind of the reader. The details of how Antinous is killed here help enhance this theme that is exhibited throughout the novel. As displayed above, there is a good use of symbolism in The Odyssey to add to the interest of the reader. Also there are unexpected twists and turns around the central theme to keep the reader in suspense. Finally, Homer ingeniously uses the words to create stunning pictures that help relate to the text, and disclose and heighten key themes depicted in the book. The Odyssey is clearly an exceptional piece of writing that will forever remain a classic. This epic is undoubtedly part of the elite group of books published over the course of time.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Individual Business Essay
1. To what extent can individual business decisions (as opposed to economic forces) explain deterioration in working conditions for many workers? First, as mentioned in the Case, a concentration on cost reduction to maintain competitiveness has led to offshore job placement, automation, and other decisions to reduce costs to keep products in price competition with foreign imports. The average wage in the U.S. created a tremendous cost addition to American products. Second, an increase in technology to perform repetitive and sometimes original work has reduced the number of jobs, or changed them to technical support, thereby reducing employment. Third, a focus on short-term performance for bonus pay for executives means that some decisions are made for profitability in the short run that may not be appropriate for the organization in the long run. 2. Do business organizations have a responsibility to ensure that employees have secure jobs with good working conditions, or is their primary responsibility to shareholders? This answer will depend on your viewpoint. If you have ethics similar to that proposed by economist Adam Smith, then the responsibility is to the owner or shareholder. The responsibility to the worker is in relation to the profitability and success of the firm. If, on the other hand, you are a proponent of labor unions, then your view will be more in favor of permanent jobs and high wages for employees, no matter what. 3. What alternative measures of organizational performance, besides share prices, do you think might change the focus of business leaders? If management changes its accounting measures from one-year or short-term to long-term performance, then a major shift would occur in decision outcomes. Other measures might include employee rewards for exceptional customer service, supporting innovative ideas from stakeholders, etc.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Story of an Hour - 1203 Words
Ayodeji Ilesanmi Ms. Pape English 1302.626 February 23, 2012 Part One: Alternate ending to ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠ââ¬Å"Someone was opening the front door with a latchkey, it was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella. He had been far from the scene of the accident, and did not even know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine s piercing cry; at Richards quick motion to screen him from the view of his wifeâ⬠(Chopin, 16). Josephine rushed to the door looked at Mr. Mallard with great amazement, ââ¬Å"Am I dreaming or in trance?â⬠She asked, she walked around Brently in an anticlockwise manner, Brently Mallard was losing his patience, he yelled ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢can someone tell me whatââ¬â¢sâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Chopin concludes the original story attributing Ms. Mallardââ¬â¢s death to a preexisting heart condition which she later called ââ¬Å"the joy that killsâ⬠(16). Chopin portrays an extreme disappointment at Brentlyââ¬â¢s return, and having to lose the her supposedly regained freedom, I could not connect with such ending, because even in the face of issues and turmoil in marital relationships, spouses usually would not want to lose their partners to death or any accident. I chose to end the story in alternatively in such a way that this couple would have an opportunity to reconnect, in the original story, very little was said about Mr. Mallard which leaves readerââ¬â¢s with the impression that he was a uncaring, dominant and domineering husband who didnââ¬â¢t care as much. Even if that assumption was true based on the societal norm and culture in the nineteenth century, Iââ¬â¢d like to show a caring part of this man as so many men would react seeing that they were losing a wife and companion to death. The author portrays a sad portrait of marriage, well Louise Mallard seems to had been struggling with her relationship but in my alternate conclusion I tried to show some other side of Mr. Mallard that was not very well portrayed by Chopin. The end ofShow MoreRelatedThe Story Of An Hour And The Story Of An Hour2009 Words à |à 9 PagesWomen are taught from a young age that marriage is the end all be all in happiness, in the short story ââ¬Å"The Story of An Hourâ⬠by Kate Chopin and the drama ââ¬Å"Poof!â⬠by Lynn Nottage, we learn that it is not always the case. Mrs. Mallard from ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠and Loureen from ââ¬Å"Poof!â⬠are different characteristically, story-wise, and time-wise, but share a similar plight. Two women tied down to men whom they no longer love and a life they no longer feel is theirs. Unlike widows in happy marriagesRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour854 Words à |à 4 PagesIn ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠we are taken th rough a journey. The journey is the thoughts and emotions going through Mrs. Mallards (Louise) mind. The journey only takes an hour, so everything moves at a fast pace. Louise seemed to process the news of her husbandââ¬â¢s death without an initial element of disbelief and shock. She goes right into the reaction of grieving for her husband. She quickly begins to feel other emotions. At first she does not understand them. The journey is a way that Louise comesRead MoreStory of an Hour1203 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Story of an Hour 1. There are many themes in The Story of An Hour; ââ¬Ëheart troubleââ¬â¢ ââ¬â which describes not only the physical affliction of Mrs Mallard but also the emotional suffering in her marriage. Three other themes that are prominent within this story are; death, freedom and oppression. Though, the themes of freedom and oppression can be seen as the main themes within this story, as we see the character of Mrs Mallard ââ¬â a Mallard is a type of wild duck, which can be seen as being symbolicRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour1414 Words à |à 6 Pagesarticle would be bad satire, a bad argument. Chongyue and Lihuaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"A Caricature of an Ungrateful and Unfaithful Wifeâ⬠distorts Kate Chopinââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠through imaginative exaggeration of character interaction, emotional ignorance, and its simplification of the characters and the text. Firstly, there is no evidence in the text of ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠to suggest that Louise Mallard has been at all unfaithful to her husband. One sentence within the article suggests that some readers have sensedRead MoreStory of an Hour848 Words à |à 4 PagesStory of an Hour Kate Chopin s the Story of an Hour includes a vast amount of literary devices. Irony, foreshadowing, personification, imagery, symbolism, metaphor and repetition are some of the major literary techniques used by Chopin within this short story about a woman named Mrs. Mallard. Although the story covers only one hour in the life of the main character, the use of these various literary techniques present the theme of the story to the reader in a very entertaining manner. TheRead MoreStory of an Hour619 Words à |à 3 Pages ââ¬Å"The story of an hourâ⬠is a short story written by Kate Chopin. According to Wikipedia, she was born Katherine Oââ¬â¢Flaherty on February 8, 1850, in St. Louis, Missouri. She was an American author of short stories and novels. She is now considered by some to have been a forerunner of feminist authors of the 20th century. ââ¬Å"The story of an hourâ⬠was written on April 19, 1894 but was originally published in Vogue on December 6, 1894 as ââ¬Å"The Dream of an Hourâ⬠. It was first reprintedRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour1169 Words à |à 5 Pages ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠is a story that in a few pages creates commentary, emotions, and thoughts about a simple yet very important part of every civilization. It is quite amazing that a short story written over a hundred years ago is still relevant to our society today. Every successful civilization has had some form of marriage, and while this story is to many criticizing the institution of marriage, I believe that people could see this dichotomy of oppressor vs oppressed that this story triesRead MoreThe Story of an Hour960 Words à |à 4 PagesIn The Story of an Hour, Kate Chopin suggests that in certain scenarios, the death of a loved one may be a blessing in disguise. Possible situations may include an abusive relationship, or an unhappy marriage, as the story suggests. Although the circumstances throughout the story might lead the reader to believe that Louises husbands death would cause her great pain, ironically, when she hears the news, she feels a sense of euphoria. This suggests that death may not always cause agony. LouisesRead MoreA Story Of An Hour1289 Words à |à 6 PagesMost stories have more than one conflict, some bigger than others, but all important as a story progressives to the very moment everything clicks and comes together. After that point, the story starts to wind down, lose ends are tied, and the reader gets the satisfying feeling of a happy ending. The Story of an Hour is not your typical short story; but is similar to others in the way that conflicts are the leading force behind a short story. This story starts with Mrs. Mallard finding out any wifeââ¬â¢sRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour1283 Words à |à 6 Pagesââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠For this story, I will use Mrs. Mallard as the example, and will discuss her challenges and struggles. According to the text, she was ââ¬Å"afflicted with a heart trouble, so based on that alone we know that she struggled with delicate health issues. The narrator further described her as, ââ¬Å"young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength.â⬠The ââ¬Ëlinesââ¬â¢ or wrinkles of repression that he speaks of is most likely caused by the stress of suppressing
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